Madison Sterling Jewelry Company

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Turn your eyes upon Jesus

My desk at home is right in front of an upstairs window.

It's no ocean view, but it's a pretty view of massive pecan trees with fields in the background. This season's backdrop is cotton & it’s just so picturesque!
I sat down to start working one morning recently & my view was completely blocked by several boxes stacked up & a few more things obstructing my light & view.
I quickly removed them & was able to see clearly again ... a fresh start to begin working!It made me think about the things in our hearts & minds that can very quickly obstruct our clear view of Jesus ... maybe it's too much social media, an ungrateful heart, a relationship we put in front of Him, a mountain of worries collected, a job, our family, friends ... you name it!
People, jobs, pleasures, etc have their place for sure. But their place is never intended to be before Jesus in the life of His children.When our eyes are directly on Him, we can see clearly.
Our perspective, priorities &goals are aligned with what He wants for us.
We are then able to be the very best version of ourselves as His children. It's a day to day process of guarding our hearts &placing our eyes on Him ... & what a gift that is ... to see & know Jesus, right where we are.I'm reminded of this sweet hymn ... "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory & grace.